Tommy Davis injects fresh blood into the fantasy genre with his Dru and the Centaur: The Spiritual Sword. The novel offers a unique take as it is not set against the cliché backdrop of some wizards, dragons, and a superhero world. Through the inclusion of lessons on true friendship tied in with the adventurous aspects, it is unlike any other book on mythical creatures. It offers the journey of a coming-of-age young boy.
Dru and the Centaur is a book of adventure most suited for young readers and would tell them what promises to go beyond simple magic. It carries the messages of bravery, loyalty, and strength that can be found in some unexpected friendships.
A Fresh Take on Fantasy
Tommy Davis was an ardent fantasy fan since he heard epic tales of heroes and mythical lands as a child. Through all these years, he felt a strong calling to create something of a story that differentiated itself from the other typical trends. Unlike the popular notion of contemporary fantasy featuring wizards or superheroes akin to what one finds in the Marvel or DC universe,
Davis opted to breathe new life into a different type of character altogether: the centaur. Through Dru and the Centaur, the reader is introduced to Armet, a centaur who brings both wisdom and a sense of wonder to the narrative.
“When I was a kid, I was really interested in mythical creatures, but centaurs always stood out to me,” says Davis. “I saw a show a few years ago that briefly featured centaurs, and it struck a chord. They weren’t just wild creatures; they had a depth that I wanted to explore.” It was a great idea to create a protagonist centaur in order to present young readers with such an original character and his potential deep connection with others.
The Story of Dru and Armet
Dru and the Centaur: The Spiritual Sword begins in the rural village of Lanoor. Here, readers are introduced to 14-year-old Dru, an ordinary boy living on a farm with his family who dreams of adventure. His life is forever changed when he finds out that the mysterious boy hiding in his barn is actually Armet, a centaur in disguise. The friendship that develops between Dru and Armet creates the foundation of the story, where the two embark on a dangerous journey that challenges their strength, loyalty, and trust.
Davis seamlessly blends the ordinary with the extraordinary, creating a world where mythical creatures coexist with everyday life. The novel takes readers through enchanted forests and mystical underworlds to legendary hills. It explores the unwavering bond between the two characters as they take in deadly creatures and run from fatal circumstances, all of which Dru and Armet find their greatest strength of friendship.
A Tale of Friendship and Bravery
Dru and the Centaur, though bursting with fantasy, speaks more profoundly of the human value of friendship. Davis wanted to write a story that would strike the heart of the reader, young and old alike, to realize that true bravery was not in being as superhumanly muscular or possessing the magical powers to cast spells.
“What I really hope readers take away from this book is the importance of friendship,” Davis says. “You don’t need to be extraordinary to be brave. Dru is just a farm boy, and yet he shows incredible courage because of the bond he shares with Armet. It’s a story about two very different characters coming together and forming a friendship that helps them overcome seemingly impossible odds.”
In a world where young people are often exhorted to appear exactly alike and different in rather too calculated ways, the novel brings a refreshing real-life reminder that it’s okay to be ordinary. Davis’s message is clear that the greatest heroes can arise anywhere, even from simple acts of kindness and loyalty.
What’s Next for Tommy Davis?
Dru and the Centaur is just a prologue. Davis has already begun work on the next sequel, where Dru and Armet venture into more magical realms and face newer challenges. Though he hasn’t announced a date, he does give the hint that the next book will delve deeper into the background of Armet the Centaur and introduce new mythical characters whom fans are sure to enjoy.
“I’m excited about the sequel,” Davis says. “The first book was all about setting the stage and establishing the friendship between Dru and Armet. In the next one, I want to expand the world even further and introduce readers to new adventures and mysteries. It’s going to be bigger and even more magical.”
A Promising Fantasy Tale
A book with compelling characters, an engaging plot, and a heartfelt message, Dru and the Centaur will surely find its place in young fantasy reader’s favorite book lists. It makes a perfect blend of action, adventure, and emotional depth, which most books in the genre often miss out on. Any young reader looking for his or her next great adventure or an adult looking for a nostalgic escape into a magical world needs to read Tommy Davis’s novel.
Dru and the Centaur: The Spiritual Sword is now available on Amazon as both paperback and hardcover. You can also download its Kindle version. Moreover, the novel will be shortly available on Tommy Davis’s website.